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Crowd Clapping

4ERA doesn't want your money.

The most valuable donations you can make

are Your Time, Your Voice, Your Energy and Your Committment

Here are some ways do that:

Get active

In Person

Show up!


Attend ERA events


Tell friends and colleagues about the ERA


Ask political candidates if they support the ERA


Lobby officials at your statehouse


Set up email alerts for "The Equal Rights Amendment"


Write to local and state news outlets about the ERA


Follow ERA groups on Facebook, Twitter and Instagrram


Over the Phone

Call your members of Congress and ask them to support the ERA resolutions in the House and Senate


Call your state representatives and ask them to support ERA ratification or affirmation resolutions


Credit Card

Donations to 4ERA are not tax deductible.

BUT, on the other hand,
we DO accept and appreciate financial support.

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